Thursday, 29 July 2010

Professional Development Lesson Plan

Technology Professional Development Lesson Plan
Introduction to Animoto

Title: Introduction to Animoto

Grade Level: Professional Development

Curriculum area: all

ISTE Standards addressed in this lesson:

Technology Operations and Concepts:
Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. Teachers: demonstrate growth in technology and skills to stay on top of current and emerging technologies.
Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences
Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. Teachers:
A. Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum
Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology standards.
A. Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
B. Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students
C. Apply technology to develop students’ higher order skills and creativity
D. Manage student-learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.

Lap top computers
Digital cameras for at home project

Related website:

1) Have a brief discussion of Animoto and how it works.
2) Demo Animoto using my computer and a LCD projector.
3) Have the teachers open and log onto their lap top computers, and open Firefox.
4) Have the following resources available on the shared network drive for the teachers to explore:

In class assignment:
The next portion of this lesson is to have the teachers become familiar with Animoto and what it can do. Teachers will be asked to explore the websites that are provided on their shared network. They should begin to think of ways they can use this tool in their own classrooms. Teachers will be encouraged to share any interesting ideas with a small group.

Outside assignment:
Demonstrate your knowledge of Animoto by creating an Animoto project related to your classroom curriculum. Projects will be shared with the group at a later time. After all of the projects have been shared, there will be a discussion of the educational value of using a tool like Animoto.


The assessment will be done after the teachers have made their Animoto project. There will be a whole group discussion about using Animoto. Teachers will fill out an evaluation form that will let me know if they thought this professional development was useful as well as suggestions for improving this lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Coming up with a way to teach a professional development lesson plan for my peers. I wanted to think of way to teach them why a tool like Animoto is beneficial in the education world, but I wanted to also to make it interesting. My main goal was to give the teachers a lot of time to explore this new tool. I know that some teachers are critical thinkers and are not willing to accept new ideas, so I figured I could force them to try out this tool before they could reject it. This project allows time for inquiry learning during the lesson as well as outside of it. Teachers are asked to complete a small homework assignment so that I could be sure they explore on their own what they could do with Animoto. I also wanted to include a small survey that the teachers would need to fill out so I could see what their opinions of my lesson were, how they feel about using something like Animoto, and what they felt I needed to improve on.
