Thursday, 22 July 2010

Animal Habitat Lesson Plan

Carley Vogel


Animal habitat lesson Plan

Title: Animal Habitat Webquest


In this lesson students will be given names of specific animals that they will explore using a WebQuest. They will be learning about different types of habitats (desserts, tundra’s, rainforests, forests, and oceans) and they will figure out which habitat their animal would live in and why based on the animals needs (air, water, food and shelter).


At the end of this lesson students will have learned about various habitats and will understand how to draw using

Resources: is a simple easy to use online resource where students will be able to draw freely. They will not need a lot of training to be able to use this tool and they should already be familiar with it from previous school years. A quick review on how to change colors, and sizes will be done before this project is started. Students will be using this tool to create a picture of a habitat and an animal and label important sections.

Powerpoint presentation for Webquest. The teacher will have created a powerpoint presentation on animals and habitats for the students to explore on Webquest. This will be downloaded for them on their individual computers. I based my lesson plan off of this WebQuest I would be changing it around depending on my class and I would need to edit it more to make it more of my own.



Tell the students that we will be working on a new project in science. Tell them that they should remember all of the things they have learned thus far about living things. Students will have a brief discussion about things that all living things needs. Remind the students that all living things need air, water, food and shelter to survive. Explain that animals have to live somewhere that includes all of those things and a place where plants and animals live is called a habitat. Ask the students if they can name one habitat one earth.

The teacher will tell the students to imagine that last night before they went to bed a package arrived at their house that was special just for them. The package included a wild animal inside. (The teacher should have already prepared packages to hand out to the students) Students will open their eyes and the teacher will give each student a package with a picture of the wild animal inside.

Make sure that all students can correctly identify the animal in their package. Ask the students if they think their animal could live in the school, their home, or a playground. Why do they think that way? Ask the students to predict where they think their animal may live. What kind of food do you think it eats? What kind of shelter does it need? Pair up with your learning buddy and share your thoughts for 2 minutes. After they are done sharing tell the students that they are now ready to do some research on habitats. Their task is to research habitats and discover the correct habitat for their animal.


Tell the students that they are now going to get ready to explore using their lap top computers. Students will need to be fill out the recoding sheet as they explore. The teacher will go over the sheet to make sure everyone understands it correctly. Tell the students that you are going to show them how to use Webquest to find all the answers they will need. All the computers will have the Webquest open already to make any transitions easier. The teacher will project her screen so the students can follow along as she explains how to go through Webquest. The teacher will show the students how to navigate between the slides. She will explain that some slides will have words, some will have words and pictures, some slides may have an audio file, and some may have video files. The teacher will have to show students how to go from clicking on a link in the file to getting back to the WebQuest page. The teacher will navigate to the first page and let the students know they will be able to practice this soon on their own. We will review the first few slides as a class, so students can practice navigating back and forth between slides. After you have gone through this with them you will let the students know that it is time to look at the rest of the WebQuest on their own. Remind them that they need to look very closely at everything because when they are done they will have to draw a picture of your animal living in its habitat. Students need to know what their animal eats, how it finds water, and what kind of shelter it has. Remind them they will find this information by listening to audio clips, looking at pictures or videos. The teacher will need to circulate throughout the room to help students if needed. The teacher needs to give time reminders to help students to use their time wisely. This lesson may need more then one computer time to complete everything.


Bring the students back together as a group. Tell the students that they need to return the wild animal that showed up at their house and put it back in their natural habitat. The way they can return the animals is they will need to draw a picture of the animal in its natural habitat that shows all the things the animal needs to survive (food, water, shelter). Ask the students to tell you how they are going to draw their animal’s habitat. Call on a handful of students to share with the class what they want to include in their drawings. Explain that air is a difficult aspect to draw, and ask for ideas of how that could be incorporated into their drawings. An example of drawing air would be to draw swirls.

Students will be given their laptops with the website already opened for them. They will need to do a quick review with the teacher on how to change line thickness, and colors. They also need to review how to add text to pictures. Tell the students they should try to use appropriate colors. Tell them that when they are finished they will need to label the animal’s food, air, water and shelter. The words will be listed on the board so they know how to spell them. When all the students are finished with their work they will be able to print out their pictures and share with the class.


When the students have printed out their pictures they are to get their science journals and they will need to write a story about their animal living in its natural habitat. They should include facts that interested them that they learned from their WebQuest, or they can include other details they may know. The story needs to be a minimum of 5 sentences.

At the end of this lesson the students will be allowed to share their work and stories with the class. The teacher should call for all students from each habitat to present together, so that the students can see similarities in the representations. The teacher will need to guide the students to notices the similarities about the habitats and how the animal’s needs are met within that habitat.


At the end of this lesson the students should be able to:

· list at least 3 animal habitats

· Name the 4 needs of all living things (air, water, food, shelter).

· Correctly identify a specific animal’s habitiat

· Create a drawing using of their animal in its habitat with correct labels

· Create a story about their animal using at least 5 sentences.

Work will be evaluated using a rubric.


Students can act out their animal or create a skit to show how their animal can survive in its habitat.

Students can use pictures or drawings to show what their animal eats. They can pretend to make up a recipe using their animal’s food sources.

************************ Students Worksheet they would fill out **************************

Name: _____________________ Date: ____________

Animal Habitats WebQuest

Recording Sheet

My animal is _________________________________________

Its habitat is ________________________________________

The habitat looks like __________________________________


The animal looks like __________________________________


It eats ____________________________________________

Its shelter is _______________________________________

Other interesting things I learned about my animal:





********************** Rubric ***************************










Animal and Habitat

Animal and/or habitat are unclear.

The animal is not in its correct habitat.

There are no details, or details are sparse.

Animal or habitat is unclear, but not both.

Animal may or may not be in the correct habitat.

Minimal details are included.

Animal and habitat are both clear.

The animal is placed in its correct habitat.

There are some details of habitat features.

Animal and habitat are both clear.

The animal is placed in its correct habitat.

Details are included to show greater understanding of how that animal adapts to its environment.

Needs of Living Things

Two or fewer needs are drawn and labeled.

Labeling is unclear or incorrect.

At least three needs are drawn and labeled.

Some labeling may be unclear or incorrect.

All four needs (air, water, food, shelter) are drawn and labeled.

Labeling is clear for the most part.

All four needs (air, water, food, shelter) are drawn and labeled in a clear manner.

Creativity and higher-level thinking is apparent.


Stick figures.

Limited or no color.

Basic lines and shapes are used in the drawing.

There is some color.

Animal and habitat are drawn clearly using appropriate colors.

Animal and habitat are drawn clearly using appropriate colors and proper proportions.

Details are included and enhance the drawing.


The writing does not match the picture.

Student has written 1-3 sentences.

Student is unable to read own writing, and it is illegible.

Student has written 4 or 5 sentences.

Most sentences are on topic.

Student has written at least 5 sentences that are all related to the habitat drawing.

Student has written more than 5 sentences that are all related to the habitat drawing.

The story includes creativity and detail.

Creative Commons License
habitat lesson plan by Carley Vogel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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